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Ralph API consumption

Ralph exposes many resources and operation through REST-ful WEB API that can be used both for querying the database and populating it with data. Ralph API use Django Rest Framework under the hood, so every topic related to it should work in Ralph API as well.


Each user has auto-generated personal token for API authentication. You could obtain your token either by visiting your profile page or by sending request to api-token-auth enpoint:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://<YOUR-RALPH-URL>/api-token-auth/ -d '{"username": "<YOUR-USERNAME>", "password": "<YOUR-PASSWORD>"}'

If you don't have API token assigned, send request to as above - it'll generate you API token automatically.

In each request to API you have to use your API Token Key in request header:

curl -X GET https://<YOUR-RALPH-URL>/api/ -H 'Authorization: Token <YOUR-TOKEN>'

API Versioning

Api requires the client to specify the version in the Accept header.

GET /bookings/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; version=v1

Output format

Ralph API supports JSON output format (by default) and HTML preview in your browser (go to https:///api/ to see preview).

Available resources

work in progress

HTTP methods

The following methods can be used in the API. Consult the API reference of specific module for more precise explanation.

Method On a collection On a single resource
GET Get full list of resources Get resource details
POST Add a new resource -
PUT - Edit the resource (you need to provide all data)
PATCH - Edit the resource (you only need to provide changed data)
DELETE - Remove the resource

Get sample resource

Use HTTP GET method to get details of the resource. Example:

curl https://<YOUR-RALPH-URL>/api/data-center-assets/1/ | python -m json.tool

results in:

    "id": 11105,
    "url": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "status": "used",
    "sn": "12345",
    "barcode": "54321",
    "price": "55500.00",
    "remarks": "Used as proxy to AWS",
    "position": 12,
    "orientation": "front",
    "configuration_path": "/aws_proxy/prod",
    "service_env": {
        "id": 11,
        "url": "",
        "service": {
            "id": 1,
            "url": "",
            "name": "AWS Proxy",
        "environment": {
            "id": 2,
            "url": "",
            "name": "prod",
    "model": {
        "id": 168,
        "url": "",
        "name": "R630",
        "type": "data_center",
        "power_consumption": 1234,
        "height_of_device": 1.0,
        "cores_count": 8,
        "has_parent": false,
        "manufacturer": {
            "id": 33,
            "url": "",
            "name": "Dell",
    "rack": {
        "id": 15,
        "url": "",
        "name": "Rack 123",
        "server_room": {
            "id": 1,
            "url": "",
            "name": "Room 1",
            "data_center": {
                "id": 99,
                "url": "",
                "name": "New York",

Part of response was skipped for readability.

You can search records by tags:

curl https://<YOUR-RALPH-URL>/api/data-center-assets/?tag=tag1&tag=tag2 | python -m json.tool

You will find all records that contain all of the specified tags.

Save sample resource

PATCH data center asset with data:

    "hostname": "",
    "status": "damaged",
    "service_env": 12,
    "licences": [1, 2, 3]

Notice in this example that: * to set related object (not-simple, like string or number) just pass it's ID (see service_env) * to set many of related objects, pass IDs of them in list (see licences) * you could pass text value for choice fields (status), even if it's stored as number


Ralph API supports multiple query filers:

You could check possible fields to filter by sending OPTIONS request to particular resource (look at filtering item).

  • filter by (exact) field value (ex. <URL>?hostname=s1234.local)
  • lookup filters using Django's __ convention (check Django Field lookups documentation for details), ex. <URL>?hostname__startswith=s123 or <URL>?invoice_date__lte=2015-01-01
  • extended filters - allows to filter for multiple fields using single query param - it's usefull especially for polymorphic models (like BaseObject) - for example filtering by name param, you'll filter by DataCenterAsset hostname, BackOfficeAssetHostname etc. Example: <URL>/base-objects/?name=s1234.local
  • filter by tags using tag query param. Multiple tags could be specified in url query. Example: <URL>?tag=abc&tag=def&tag=123

Fields lookups work with extended filters in BaseObject too, ex. <URL>/base-objects/?name__startswith=s123

Transitions API

List of available transition for the selected model

GET /api/data_center/datacenterasset/46/transitions/

Results in:

    "count": 2,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 5,
            "url": "<URL>/api/transitions/5/",
            "source": [
                "in use",
                "to deploy"
            "target": "Keep orginal status",
            "name": "Change rack",
            "run_asynchronously": true,
            "async_service_name": "ASYNC_TRANSITIONS",
            "model": "<URL>/api/transitions-model/2/",
            "actions": [

List of POST parameters to run transition for transition:

OPTIONS <URL>/api/virtual/virtualserver/767/transitions/Initialization/

Results in:

  "name": "Transition",
  "description": "Transition API endpoint for selected model.\n\nExample:\n    OPTIONS: /api/<app_label>/<model>/<pk>/transitions/<transition_name>\n    or <transiton_id>",
  "renders": [
  "parses": [
  "actions": {
    "POST": {
      "network_environment": {
        "type": "choice",
        "required": true,
        "read_only": false,
        "label": "Network environment",
        "choices": [
            "display_name": "aa0003bb (testowa)",
            "value": "1"
            "display_name": "Other",
            "value": "__other__"