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LDAP Authentication

It is possible to enable authentication via various LDAP/AD systems.

You will need to install pip install -r requirements/prod_ldap.txt. Then add LDAP as an authentication backend in your local settings:

  LOGGING['loggers']['django_auth_ldap'] = {
      'handlers': ['file'],
      'propagate': True,
      'level': 'DEBUG',

You will need to configure the LDAP connection as well as mapping remote users and groups to local ones. For details consult the official django-auth-ldap documentation For example, connecting to an Active Directory service might look like this:

import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, GroupOfNamesType
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldap://activedirectory.domain:389"
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "secret"
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE = "DC=allegrogroup,DC=internal"
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER = '(&(objectClass=*)({0}=%(user)s))'.format(
  "first_name": "givenName",
  "last_name": "sn",
  "email": "mail",
  "company": "company",
  "manager": "manager",
  "department": "department",
  "employee_id": "employeeID",
  "location": "officeName",
  "country": "ISO-country-code",

However, when using OpenDJ as a LDAP server, AUTH_LDAP_USER_USERNAME_ATTR should be equal to uid:


For other implementations objectClass may have the following values:

  • Active Directory: objectClass=user,
  • Novell eDirectory: objectClass=inetOrgPerson,
  • Open LDAP: objectClass=posixAccount

Manager is special field and is treated as reference to another user, for example "CN=John Smith,OU=TOR,OU=Corp-Users,DC=mydomain,DC=internal" is mapped to "John Smith" text.

Country is special field, the value of this field must be a country code in the ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 format.

Ralph provides ldap groups to django groups mapping. All what you need to do are:

  • import custom MappedGroupOfNamesType,
  • set up group mirroring,
  • declare mapping.
from ralph.account.ldap import MappedGroupOfNamesType
  'CN=_gr_ralph,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "staff",
  'CN=_gr_ralph_assets_buyer,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "assets-buyer",
  'CN=_gr_ralph_assets_helper,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "assets-helper",
  'CN=_gr_ralph_assets_staff,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "assets-staff",
  'CN=_gr_ralph_admin,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "superuser",
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = MappedGroupOfNamesType(name_attr="cn")
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("DC=organization,DC=internal",
    ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectClass=group)')

If you nest one LDAP group in another and want to use such (parent) group in Ralph, you have to define this mapping in AUTH_LDAP_NESTED_GROUPS and set AUTH_LDAP_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE setting:

  'CN=_gr_ralph_users,OU=Other,DC=mygroups,DC=domain': "staff",  # _gr_ralph_users contains other LDAP groups inside
AUTH_LDAP_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE = 500  # Note that LDAP default page size limit is 1000

Note: For OpenDJ implementation AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_MAPPING is not obligatory. AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE and AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH should be set as follows:

from django_auth_ldap.config import GroupOfUniqueNamesType
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = GroupOfUniqueNamesType()
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("DC=organization,DC=internal",
  ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(structuralObjectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)')

If you want to define ldap groups with names identical to ralph roles, you shouldn't declare mapping AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_MAPPING. If there are any one mapping defined another groups will be filtered. Some groups have special meanings. For example users need to be in active to log in, superuser gives superuser privileges. You can read more info in :ref:groups.

You can define users filter, if you don't want to import all users to ralph:

AUTH_LDAP_USER_FILTER = '(|(memberOf=CN=_gr_ralph_group1,OU=something,'\
    'DC=mygroup,DC=domain)(memberOf=CN=_gr_ralph_group2,OU=something else,'\

In case of OpenDJ please use isMemberOf instead of memberOf.

To synchronize user list you must run command:

$ ralph ldap_sync

During the process, script will report progress on every 100-th item loaded.

Synchronization with OpenStack

Ralph 3 supports one-way synchronization with OpenStack. It is possible to download data from OpenStack including projects and instances. All the synchronized data will be available in Ralph in read-only mode. It will be possible only to change the Service Environment, Tags and Remarks fields.

Note: Service Environment of a CloudHost is inherited from a Cloud Project to which it belongs.


To enable openstack_sync plugin you will have to install python requirements by executing: pip install -r requirements/openstack.txt

It is also necessary to add your OpenStack instances configuration to your local settings. Example configuration should look as follows:

        'username':     'someuser',
        'password':     'somepassword',
        'tenant_name':  'admin',
        'version':      '2.0',
        'auth_url':     '',
        'tag':          'someinfo'
    ... another instance ...

someuser: is an OpenStack user which has permissions to list all the projects/tenants and instances

tenant_name: project/tenant to which the user will authenticate

version: version of OpenStack API. Currently only API 2.x is supported

auth_url: address, where OpenStack API is available

tag: this is a tag that will be added to each Cloud Projects and Cloud Hosts migrated from OpenStack

You can add multiple OpenStack instances by adding another python dict to OPENSTACK_INSTANCES list.

How to execute

You can either run the script manually by executing: ralph openstack_sync or you can add it to corntab.

First execution will add all the Cloud Projects, Cloud Hosts and Cloud Flavors from OpenStack to Ralph. Following executions will add and modify data as well as delete all the objects which no longer exists in configured OpenStack Instances.